Latest Case Studies & White Papers

Determining Accurate Alignment Targets

Laser AlignmentA practical example involves a recent project at a wastewater treatment plant in Cleveland that needed realistic cold alignment targets for a 3600 rpm compressor.

This machine had a long history of coupling and bearing failures. Over a two-year period several attempts were made to calculate the thermal growth on the motor and compressor supports. The original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) technical manual gave a vertical thermal offset value of +0.04 in. (+40 mils). There were no recommendations for a target vertical angularity. Horizontal alignment changes were not mentioned.

There was some confusion with the OEM targets as provided. Maintenance personnel did not know if this value represented what the rim dial indicator should read when the cold alignment was completed (with a dial indicator mounted on the stationary shaft and indicating the motor coupling). Dial indicators indicate the total indicated runout (TIR) each time the shaft is rotated 180 deg. Half of the TIR represents the actual centerline offset; therefore the target should actually be +20 mils vertical offset.


Citect ScadaTOTAL E&P UK, one of the largest exploration and production subsidiaries of the TOTAL Group has installed a 10,000 point + CitectSCADA system to provide monitoring - with full dual redundancy - of the control and safety systems for the giant St Fergus gas terminal in Scotland. The Terminal plays a key role in supplying Britain

Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Can Improve Seal Performance

ImageThrough extensive R&D and the advent of improved equipment and processes, nature

Integrating Inspection-Based and Reliability-Based Information

Reliability MaintenanceThere are many sources of machinery health and production availability information available to an organization's maintenance and operations staff. Two of the most commonly used sources of information are scheduled inspection of machinery and condition monitoring.

In most cases, scheduled inspection of machinery has been managed through a plant