
Early detection of explosions and fires

Early detection of explosions and fires

 With the GSME and HOTSPOT detectors from REMBE, an artificial intelligence has been created that detects fire and explosion events at an early stage. The GSME detector is an artificial nose, "trained" for pyrolysis - popularly known as smoldering gases, while the HOTSPOT detector represents an artificial eye that already detects surface temperature changes of 1 °C.

REMBE´s HOTSPOT X20 measures surface temperatures using an intelligent evaluation system, which divides the field of view into detection zones. A separate temperature threshold value can be set for each individual zone in order to tailor the detection to the process as far as possible. The HOTSPOT X20 can even identify small temperature increases (1 °C) and enables to warn the operator of a fire or glowing embers at extremely early stages. The HOTSPOT X20 can also be used in explosion atmosphere up to zone 20 and under high dust loads and monitors a temperature range in the standard version of 0-200 °C (higher temperatures possible, but typically not required).

Temperature monitoring can be particularly helpful when handling secondary fuels. Where gas measurement technology becomes very complex due to cross-sensitivities, temperature is a simple parameter for detecting process anomalies. Common mounting points are above or on conveyors so that the process flows can be monitored. If elevated temperatures are detected, the potential ignition source can be stopped before it reaches the next potentially explosive atmosphere.

Mainly hydrocarbon compounds are released when many substances thermally decompose. If there is incomplete burning without a flame and a low oxygen supply, carbon monoxide is created as well. The GSME X20 pyrolysis gas detector, for instance, has been designed for detecting these gases, even as they develop. Alongside carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon compounds, nitrogen oxide and hydrogen compounds (CO, HC, H2 and NOx) are also monitored. With the aid of an intelligent evaluation algorithm, a process behaviour can be ideally mapped and normal off-gasing be adopted. If a concentration increases above the usual level, the GSME X20 immediately triggers an alarm. The detector, is also suitable for explosion atmospheres up to zone 20, monitors concentration ranges from 0-100ppm.

Gas measurement technology can also be used for traditional energy sources. However, this must be suitable for the harsh environments. Thanks to the multi-component measurement, the GSME detector can also be used in storage facilities.

When the location and mounting position are ideally designed in an explosion protection concept, HOTSPOT X20 and GSME X20 allow explosions and fires to be prevented through early detection.






Quite fast. Active Explosion isolation with Q-Bic

Explosion isolation is essential for comprehensive explosion protection. Without isolation, an explosion safety concept is not only incomplete, but is also a waste of money for operators as.

Isolation systems prevent an explosion from propagating, thereby reducing the effects of the explosion to a minimum. Adjacent system components are optimally protected.

Explosion Isolation System Q-Bic

The explosion isolation system Q-Bic registers the emerging explosion and extinguishes the developing explosion flames within milliseconds by applying the extinguishing powder. The extinguishing powder is optimally distributed in the pipeline via a nozzle system and guarantees reliable isolation. The chemical barrier is particularly well-suited to applications in elevators and spray dryers. 

Fig. 1: Explosion isolation System Q-Bic




Explosion Prevention in New Spheres Inside the Cockpit of the CO.Pilot

The topic of “explosion safety” is widespread for plant operators and OEM´s when it comes to handling or transporting combustible dusts. Despite the common assumption that an increased risk of explosion only exists for gases, enormous forces can also be released by explosive dust- / air mixtures.

To help minimize the risk of explosions when handing combustible dusts, it is important to understand the requirements for an explosion and the respective dust safety characteristics, which are described below. The following picture shows the explosion pentagon which must be taken into account.

The following conditions must exist for an explosion to occur within a production facility or machine:


Fig. 1: Explosion pentagon

If any one of the afore mentioned prerequisites is eliminated, explosion prevention has intrinsically been practiced. However, if this is not possible at all times and in all operating states, explosion hazards will still be present. In that case, it is necessary to divide any potentially explosive atmospheres into zones and systematically apply safety measures.

Drying processes in particular are used in many industries to produce material, for easier storage, more efficient transport and a longer shelf life. However, the combination of moisture extraction and high temperatures creates an increased risk of both fire and explosions.

If fires and/or explosions occur in drying plants, which are usually very large, the situation is not only extremely dangerous for the machines and the business, but especially for the employees on site.

Operators of spray dryers must combat a particular type of ignition source – namely smouldering nests that can lead to spontaneous combustion if the material undergoes excessive caking. Caking occurs due to sub-optimal drying of the material and its initially high moisture content. The caked material is then insulated against the surrounding air by a build-up of moist material. The high temperatures ensure that the caked material is continuously heated until a biological reaction takes place involving protein, carbohydrates and water – known as the Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction generates additional heat that cannot be dissipated due to the insulating layer of caked material. This exothermic process continues to accelerate until spontaneous combustion finally occurs.

Caking of this kind can build up both on the nozzles and the inner wall of the spray dryers. If the nozzle malfunctions, droplets may drip into the fluid bed and cause further clumping. If a smouldering nest is able to form, this can ignite the explosive atmosphere inside the dryer or the downstream machinery.

How can such conditions, which are frequently encountered in practice, be prevented?

Everything starts with the human factor, i.e. properly trained personnel for the respective processes. Optimal process control is also required to avoid caking. But without precise and reliable information/measurements, this is virtually impossible, even for specialists. Nowadays, humidity and one of the by-products of spontaneous combustion at early stages – carbon monoxide (CO) – are used as indicators to ensure a smooth and thus safe process. However, the fact that combined measurement systems cannot clearly distinguish between these two indicators is problematic and can result in inaccurate measurements.

The REMBE CO.Pilot – Synergistic CO and Humidity Measurement

The REMBE CO.Pilot autonomously performs continuous comparison of measured gas data with a synchronized database of stored reference gases that serve as "fingerprints" of the selected process and combustion gases. This allows the possibility to perform a real-time check to continuously verify the measurement accuracy as a self-calibration. At the same time, the real-time fingerprint analysis eliminates the cross-sensitivity to other gases in the measurement spectrum which is problematic with other commercial gas analysers.

To ensure a reliable measurement of the operating status, samples are sucked in from all of the dryer's relevant supply and exhaust air ducts under very high vacuum. REMBE calculates the delta CO value on the basis of the absolute values measured at the individual measuring points. This value is the mathematical difference between the CO content of the extract air and the CO content of the supply air. Thus, only events that actually occur in the respective process are detected. External factors that may disturb the measurement process can thus be ignored.

A proprietary evaluation algorithm, the REMBE Flow Algorithm, (RFA), enables the measured supply and exhaust gas stream values to be compared in real time. As a result, the REMBE CO.Pilot is the first system on the market that makes it possible to adjust the individual alarm limits and gas residence times for the individual measuring points in the dryer's various air throughputs without any delays. The ratios of the different supply air channels and the  associated predicted process gas streams are analysed via the software and calculated to determine an upset condition in the incipient stage.

Thus, if an increased carbon monoxide concentration is detected due to spontaneous combustion during the process, countermeasures can be initiated immediately.

But what does this mean in detail?

This special sampling process eliminates the need for costly and error-prone gas treatment, thus ensuring that the CO.Pilot is less susceptible to faults and requires less maintenance. Furthermore, this measurement method can make recurring calibrations unnecessary. Due to the precise measurement technology and the reproducible results, false alarms and downtimes can also be avoided. In combination with moisture measurements, the entire drying process can be optimally controlled, significantly increasing the energy efficiency of the system.


Fig. 2: REMBE CO.Pilot

Contact REMBE® Inc. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / www.rembe.us .

Isolation systems Explosion isolation should not be missing in a safety concept

Explosion isolation is essential for comprehensive explosion protection. Without isolation, an explosion safety concept is not only incomplete, but is also a waste of money for operators as:

In almost every production facility, individual plant components are interconnected by means of pipelines. The purpose of explosion isolation is to seal these pipelines in the event of an explosion to prevent the propagation of pressure and flames, thereby protecting the adjacent plant components. Precompression and flame jet ignition increase the severity of the explosion in the connected vessels. This leads to secondary explosions that can cause even more catastrophic damage.

Isolation systems prevent an explosion from propagating, thereby reducing the effects of the explosion to a minimum. Adjacent system components are optimally protected.

A distinction is made between active and passive isolation systems:

Active systems use sensors or detectors to detect an explosion as it occurs by registering the rising pressure or flames as they form and activate the associated isolation device, e.g. a quench valve.

Due to their structural design, passive isolation systems react purely mechanically to a propagation or loss of pressure. The latter also applies to explosion isolation flap valve. They are kept open during normal mode by means of the currents present in the pipeline. In the event of an explosion, the valve closes due to the propagating pressure front, effectively preventing the further propagation of pressure and flames.



Safe and sustainable – the next generation of flameless explosion venting

As the inventor of flameless explosion venting, REMBE is once again challenging the status quo with the new Q-Box R3leaf, the world's first sustainable device for flameless explosion venting.

After years of systematic development, testing and successful approval tests, REMBE is convinced that it has contributed to more than just an improvement in flameless explosion venting technology. Instead, the aim is to set a good example and send a clear signal that everyone can reduce the carbon footprint in our industry. 


Fig. 1: The Q-Box R3leaf as the first sustainable flameless explosion venting device

During development of the Q-Box R3leaf the focus was on sustainability and the central question: Where can the status quo be further challenged?  

The development of the Q-Box R3leaf expands REMBE's line of flameless explosion venting devices with a product optimised in terms of both effectiveness and sustainability.  

Thanks to the selection of materials, the geometry of components and appropriate joining processes, it was possible to significantly increase the packaging density, avoid the need for emission-intensive joining and coating processes, and at the same time significantly improve the effectiveness of internal and international logistics processes. These optimisations affect the entire supply chain of the Q-Box R3leaf and thus ensure reduced CO2 emissions.

Thanks to continuous development, it was possible to significantly increase the venting efficiency of the Q-Box R3leaf, allowing plant operators to reduce the number of flameless explosion venting devices required on their plant.

How does an explosion occur?

The topic of “explosion protection” is omnipresent for plant operators and machine manufacturers when it comes to handling or transporting flammable and explosive dusts. Contrary to the widespread assumption, the risk of explosion extends beyond gases, as flammable dusts can release enormous forces.

The following conditions, also known as fire triangle or dust explosion pentagon, must exist for an explosion to occur within a production facility or machine:


Fig. 2: Dust explosion pentagon

If any of the aforementioned conditions are eliminated, explosion protection has essentially been practised. However, if this is not possible at all times and in all operating states, explosion hazards persist. This necessitates categorizing explosion-prone areas into zones and systematically installing protective measures accordingly.

What is flameless explosion venting? 

Flameless explosion venting devices are primarily used to protect vessels or plants against the main effects of explosions, flames and pressure, which would be released unhindered into the environment if conventional explosion venting was used. To put it simply, they consist of two elements: the explosion venting device, such as an explosion vent and a downstream flame extinguishing element. This decreases the explosive pressure to a level that is harmless for the protected plant, and at the same time reduces the temperature of the combustion gases to a harmless level.

Flameless explosion venting devices are used wherever safe pressure relief in the event of an explosion is not permitted due to the potential proximity to people, other plants or objects.



Explosion Safety EGV HYP – EHEDG certified vent panel for production facilities with highly elevated hygienic requirements

Meeting safety and process requirements at the same time is sometimes a challenge, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Dust-handling equipment has to be equipped with explosion protective systems, which must also comply with all hygiene and sanitary requirements in production. The solution: Vent panels that can be used to produce hygienically sensitive powders.

The EGV HYP vent panel is an economical solution to the problem described, according to the strict criteria of the EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group). Specially designed for hygienically demanding processes, it protects the vessel in the event of an explosion by releasing flame and pressure. The smooth surface with the patented, full-flat, chamfered gasket system prevents deposits during the production process and during the cleaning of the system and thereby cross-contamination between batch processes. With the new, contrasting blue color of the seal, it is also easy to see if the seal is damaged and/or a mounting failure has happened.

The EGV HYP can be used without hesitation in critical systems such as spray dryers with / without CIP cleaning, fluid bed dryers and mixers and therefore offers a cost-effective safety solution according to the requirements of hygienic design.



Fig.1: Certified in accordance with EHEDG: EGV HYP with patented, bevelled sealing concept for absolute hygiene. 



Intelligent signalling device NIMU Stop unnecessary downtime with non-invasive signalling systems

Throughout the chemical sector, processes operating at high temperatures and with highly corrosive process media are common. Traditional signalling devices were not always compatible with such conditions and therefore are often over-looked as an additional accessory to monitor the status of the rupture disc.

Developments in technology mean even companies in this sector can now use rupture disc signalling systems, helping not only improve productivity and safety but also supporting with environmental concerns. German manufacturer, REMBE, is the European leader in the manufacturing of pressure relief devices and explosion safety systems and their product range encompasses some of the most robust rupture discs and signalling solutions available to add significant operational value within the chemical industry. Here REMBE discuss how its intelligent signalling solutions will keep you informed about the status of your entire plant while not being affected by the harsh operating conditions.

For processes operating with potentially harmful media the ability to shut down the process quickly and safely mean the risk of leakage is eradicated. Complying with explosive atmospheres and intrinsic safety industry standards, the signalling devices are designed to provide rapid notification of rupture disc activation, helping ensure safe management of the process while minimising downtime. REMBE’s signalling devices can easily be integrated with customers control systems to provide visual or acoustic notification of disc burst or to shut down the plant where required.

With non-invasive signalling devices, which make it impossible for the process medium to escape, processes with critical pressures and demanding media can also be reliably monitored. The following text explains the non-invasive monitoring unit NIMU in more detail.

Stop unnecessary downtime

For customers for whom compatibility with harsh operating conditions is of paramount concern the NIMU (Non-invasive monitoring unit) is a reusable rupture disc signalling system designed for rapid notification of rupture disc activation even in the harshest chemical environments. The REMBE NIMU sensor is not in contact with the process meaning it is not affected by challenging process conditions or corrosive media.

The intrinsically safe NIMU is installed into a tapping within the outlet of the rupture disc holder, completely isolated from the process so it does not create any leak paths and is not damaged following disc activation - critical for chemical customers where leak paths cannot be tolerated.

With the traditional membrane type signalling devices, false alarms were unfortunately common place, as the harsh operating conditions could cause the device to activate even if the disc itself had not opened. This false signalling would cause unnecessary and costly process downtime. Unlike these traditional devices, the NIMU is not negatively affected by the process.


 Fig. 1: Signalling device NIMU (Non-Invasive Monitoring Unit)

Additionally, membrane detection systems are single use, meaning additional replacement costs. With the NIMU this additional cost is eradicated – the NIMU enhances overall dependability of rupture disc installations while reducing long-term expenditure. Not only is the signalling device fully reusable following disc functioning it is also reusable after routine maintenance checks. Easy to inspect during such maintenance routines, its closed circuit design allows it to be refitted into the holder by the same operator inspecting the disc, simplifying and quickening the maintenance process, a must to meet the demanding productivity requirements within the chemical processing sector.

When used in combination with the REMBE IQ Safety Cockpit the operator can be instructed in the event of a system disruption and can implement the relevant emergency management protocols. The affected employees can be individually informed of a process shutdown and co-ordinated response to identify the cause and get the plant back up and running as quickly as possible.

Reliable Monitoring of Rupture Discs protecting FPSO processes

Rupture discs installed on a gas compressor module are designed to protect the tubes on a heat exchanger from rupturing due to overpressure. Rupture discs are selected due to their response time in milliseconds. As output is directly correlated to the production from the compressor module it is critical that a rupture disc with good life cycling capability is installed, otherwise as the operating pressures increase the rupture disc will be pushed to its operating limits and fatigue causing frequent failure and unnecessary loss of production through downtime. The vent lines of several heat exchangers and other equipment are typically connected the flare system with a common manifold to save space on deck. This leads to the fact that there is variable back pressure on the Rupture disc protecting a heat exchanger. This situation requires a double disc assembly. The first Rupture disc is designed is to protect the heat exchanger shell against excessive overpressure in case of tube rupture. The second disc is typically a forward acting disc designed to resist the back pressure and set at differential pressure the required relieving pressure of the first disc less the amount of maximum back pressure.

Conventional signallling devices which are invasive are not suitable for such a harsh environment since they would be wetted by the medium on the downstream of the second rupture disc. For customers for whom compatibility with harsh operating conditions is of paramount concern the NIMU (Non-invasive monitoring unit) is a reusable rupture disc signalling system designed for rapid notification of rupture disc activation even in the harshest chemical and corrosive environments. The REMBE NIMU sensor is not in contact with the process meaning it is not affected by challenging process conditions or corrosive media.

Engineers designed a version of NIMU for such double disc assemblies and a special design for forward acting rupture discs to provide a reliable and long life signalling device for such demanding applications of the Offshore industry. This way in addition to the first disc, the second disc’s condition could be continuously monitored improving the safety and reliability of the processes on FPSOs.


Fig. 2: Double Disc Assembly


Fig.3: Double Disc Assembly with signalling device NIMU



Signalling systems for the chemical industry

Avoid unnecessary downtimes with intelligent signalling systems

Rupture discs and safety valves have become indispensable for manufacturing companies in the chemical industry. However, there is a need to catch up in terms of signalling.

The opportunities offered to operators here are both diverse and economically interesting. With non-invasive signalling that can be integrated into the rupture disc, even processes with critical pressures and demanding media can be reliably monitored.

Processes involving high temperatures and highly corrosive media are widespread throughout the chemical industry. In the past, conventional signalling was not always compatible with such extreme conditions, which is why it is now often overlooked as an additional process monitoring system.

The use of modern signalling equipment not only helps to improve productivity and safety but is also helpful in terms of addressing environmental concerns. The German manufacturer REMBE is a European leader in the production of pressure relief devices, explosion protection systems and the associated signalling devices. The company's product range includes some of the most robust rupture discs and signalling systems available on the market. These solutions create significant operational added value in the chemical industry by reliably monitoring safety systems and critical pressure relief devices.

In processes involving potentially harmful media, the risk of leakage can be reduced via a quick and safe shutdown. REMBE's well-designed signalling systems comply with both industry-relevant standards for explosive atmospheres and the intrinsic safety standards. By providing rapid notification of a burst rupture disc, they help to safely control the process while minimising downtime. High-quality signal transmitters can be easily integrated into the existing control systems in order to transmit a visual or acoustic signal when the rupture disc bursts and to shut down the system if necessary.

Avoiding unnecessary downtime through non-invasive signalling

The NIMU (non-invasive rupture disc monitoring) signal transmitter is suitable for systems exposed to harsh operating conditions. This reusable monitoring system is explicitly designed to provide rapid notification of a burst rupture disc. The REMBE NIMU sensor does not come into contact with the process itself, so it is not affected by harsh process conditions or corrosive media and ensures maximum tightness even for systems containing extremely corrosive chemicals.

The NIMU is mounted in a blind tap in the outlet on the rupture disc holder. Thus, the signal transmitter is completely isolated from the process. Potential leakage after the rupture disc has burst is also prevented – this is essential for customers in the chemical industry where leaks cannot be tolerated.


Fig. 1: Signalling NIMU (non-invasive rupture disc monitoring)

The signal transmitter is fully reusable not only after the rupture disc has burst, but also after scheduled maintenance work. During such maintenance work, the closed circuit of the rupture signalling system makes it easy to perform a function test – the rupture disc can then be reinserted into its holder. Furthermore, the operator can do this without external assistance, which simplifies and speeds up the maintenance process. This is simply a must in the chemical industry due to the demanding productivity requirements.


Reduce environmental risks

Environmental concerns such as emissions control have become increasingly important for chemical manufacturers. The ability to quickly detect a leak within the process without external support brings significant benefits.

On the one hand, the SBK signal transmitter ensures fast and reliable fault signalling via the bursting of rupture discs and, on the other hand, has the unique ability to monitor leaks from upstream rupture discs. REMBE has specially developed this signal transmitter for processes with high temperatures where alternative signalling systems may no longer be suitable. The combination of leak detection and signalling in one product is a cost-effective solution. The materials used remain stable even at extreme temperatures and ensure high reliability in the long term without the risk of premature failure.

If the SBK signal transmitter is integrated into the process control system, it provides continuous monitoring of the rupture disc and reliable fault indication when the rupture disc bursts. Even marginal leaks within the process are detected. The application of the SBK monitoring system in the chemical industry, where the loss of process media is costly or harmful to health, significantly increases plant efficiency. At the same time, it ensures compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Integrated signalling – reduce installation points, ensure reliable monitoring

Whereas with other signalling systems the rupture disc and signalling devices must be installed and maintained separately, the SGK versions allow the signalling to be integrated directly into the rupture disc. Thanks to their unique design, it is not necessary to run a cable out of the rupture disc holder, thereby eliminating the need to drill a hole for the signal cable. Especially for processes with a low set pressure, where (for example) the non-invasive NIMU signalling may not be suitable, the SGK signalling systems allow continuous monitoring. The SGK versions are available with the KUB and IKB reverse acting rupture discs and the ODV triple-section rupture disc.


Fig. 2: KUB clean reverse acting rupture disc with integrated signalling and replaceable seal.



Explosion Proof ATEX/IECEx Zone 1 / 21 iPad Mini 6

Now CSA Certified for North America / Canada

Classes, Divisions and Zones

Atexxo Manufacturing has released the Apple iPad mini 6 which is global certified and suitable for use in Zone 1 and Zone 21 hazardous locations. The explosion proof iPads are originally manufactured by Apple then converted and certified according to the ATEX directives and IECEx standards by Atexxo Manufacturing. This makes the ATEX/IECEx Tablets suited for safe use in gas/vapour Zone 1 and dust Zone 21 hazardous areas. Sim-card can be installed by the end-user themselves. The devices are suited for Apple’s DEP (open) Business Manager Program.

All features of the original product are preserved, except for the fingerprint scanner.

The ATEX/IECEx iPad mini of the 6th generation comes with an aluminum case finish. The ATEX/IECEx iPads are suitable for use in extreme demanding environments. They are available in both 64gb and 256gb versions.

Beside safe use as a tablet computer, all versions are excellent for use as an explosion proof camera or RFID scanner. For Middle East countries, versions with blocked cameras are available.

Explosion safety level:

II 2G; II 2D; II 3D,  Ex db IIC T4 Gb, Ex tb IIIA T135°C Db, Ex tc IIIB T135°C Dc

Class I, Zone 1 AEx db IIC T4 Gb Class I Div 2, Group A, B, C, D T4


- 64Gb or 256 Gb + Cellular- Self Sim-Card Installation - Original Apple IOS software- Suited for Apple DEP (open) Business Manager Program- Global certified (ATEX, IECEx, UKCA, CSA, INMETRO)


Typical Applications:

- Connected fieldworker- Digital twins- - Industry 4.0- Oil and Gas extraction sites- Petro Chemical plants- Offshore platforms

For more information please contact our sales department

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Explosion vents to protect the bulk materials from environmental influences Certified weather resistance of explosion vents

Once again, REMBE GmbH Safety+Control is challenging the status quo of autonomous protective systems. Thus, the globally increasing environmental influences and weather extremes prompted REMBE engineers to test the protective effect of REMBE explosion vents also against weather-related water and air permeability.

Particularly in plants and processes with high demands on water and air tightness, explosion vents that are directly exposed to weather conditions due to their installation position often represent a potential point of entry and thus a hazard for the bulk materials themselves. REMBE therefore applies what is legally required for construction elements such as windows and doors to the various explosion vents in the explosion protection area. Within the framework of large-scale weather simulations, the REMBE explosion vent types ODV, EDP, EGV-HYP, as well as the new vent duct cover KAD-LIC have been tested for their properties of air permeability, watertightness and their resistance to wind load. BS EN 14351-1, the product standard for windows and doors, served as the basis and classification.

The results of the weathering test are extremely impressive. A comparison of the test results with real weather conditions shows that storms with wind forces of up to 14 on the so-called Beaufort scale (bft) - this corresponds to wind speeds of up to 166 km/h - have no influence on the protective effect of the explosion vents. Even in heavy rain in conjunction with wind speeds approaching 120 km/h, the explosion vents exhibit a high degree of tightness. A comparison with the windows used in the construction industry illustrates the high weather resistance: The REMBE explosion vents achieved the same and in some cases significantly better test results than the currently available windows for residential buildings.

What is the added value of weathering testing?

The REMBE explosion vents thus not only protect the plant in the event of an explosion through targeted explosion venting, but also ensure effective protection of the bulk materials themselves from external environmental influences during normal operation. The risk of contamination by water, dust and air as well as collateral damage due to swelling or excess weight is thus minimised.

rembe_1.jpeg    rembe_2.jpeg

Fig. 1: Examples of the tested explosion vents (left: Explosion vent EDP; right: Explosion vent EGV HYP)

  • Certified weather resistance
  • Effective protection of the plant and its products from environmental influences
  • Air leakage of < 0.75 m³/h m joint length
  • Impervious to driving rain up to a wind force of 12 bft (120 km/h) and a precipitation rate of 440 mm/h
  • Wind stability up to a wind force of 14 bft (166 km/h)


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