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beko feb 111BEKO TECHNOLOGIES announces the launch of its own official YouTube Channel. This channel showcases videos about our company and about the products from our compressed air treatment and compressed air measurement portfolio. We are excited that we now feature a leading social media platform in our company communication. Viewers are invited to give us their feedback in the comments.

Link to the English channel:

Recycling of the BEKOMAT 31U / 32U / 33U service-unit

beko 24th feb 15An important contribution to the environment - recycling service-units of BM31U / BM32U / BM33U

BEKOMAT is by far the most successful electronic level controlled condensate series - and that for a good reason. It represents the benchmark for all global competitors. This does not only apply to the reliability. In particular, the sustainability aspects throughout the entire life cycle are world leading:

Design: All wearing parts are housed in a service-unit. The replacement requires only 10% of the time that would be required for a device in which the items would have to be replaced individually. The service-unit is 100% pressure and functionally tested. Effectively, after each service-unit change you have a new unit! This saves personnel resources, reduces downtimes to a minimum and increases reliability.

Oil vapour in compressed air – Safe monitoring, 24 h process reliability


METPOINT® OCV makes the quality of compressed air visible METPOINT OCV offers precision measurement technology for all industrial sectors, where compressed air plays an important part in the production process and realtime monitoring of compressed air quality is process critical.

Even "oil-free" components are no guarantor for "oil-free" compressed air, ambient air/ intake air have a big impact on achieving oil free air.  In most cases, a certain residual oil content cannot be entirely avoided in standard applications.

New sensors for the METPOINT® measurement technology:


Measurement technology makes the purity of compressed air visible and points out the optimisation potentials in the system. The measurement instrumentation from BEKO TECH-NOLOGIES provides  a reliable data base for the assessment and assurance of the compressed-air quality and for the identification of hidden cost drivers.

The METPOINT sensor technology continuously records all the relevant parameters at the critical control points of compressed air – reliably and precisely. The proper means in order to implement energy management, for example in accordance with ISO 50001, or to meet the demanding HACCP or GMP requirements.

BEKOKAT: compressed air treatment using catalyst technology

beko-sept-14A cost effective solution to achieve oil-free compressed air

A constant supply of oil-free compressed air with a barely detectable max. residual oil content of 0.001 milligram per cubic metre – this is what the new catalyst system from compressed air specialist BEKO TECHNOLOGIES Ltd is able to deliver.
With this high level of efficiency, the BEKOKAT devices can even sail past the stringent oil content stipulations of ISO 8573-1, class 1. At the same time, the new functional principle breaks down technical and economic barriers that are usually imposed on conventional compressed air treatment, especially when it involves applications with extremely high requirements.

ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) Air Quality Standards

There are three main standards currently in use which directly relate to the purity of the compressed air quality and testing requirements for industry.

These are:
ISO8573 Series / ISO12500 Series / ISO7183

The most commonly used standard is the ISO8573 Series and in particular ISO8573-1:2010.

The compressed air quality standard ISO8573 –

Consists of nine separate parts;


BEKO TECHNOLOGIES have just made a donation of £200 to Joe Spires who will be leaving in a couple of months for a 3 month placement on a development programme in South Africa. This is part of the International Citizen Service programme (ICS), the aim of the ICS is to tackle poverty worldwide by solving the problems which cause it. He will be leaving late September and will be staying in Botswana, Lesotho or Capetown. Joe will be staying with a host family which could be in a mud hut or a house and he will be paired with an english speaking local volunteer.

METPOINT LKD – Leak detector that detects every leak precisely and quickly

metpoint-july-1-14In times of rising energy prices, huge amounts of money are wasted in leaks. Small leaks can make up a large part of the costs for compressed air. With the small and easily operable METPOINT LKD Leak detector the leaks in the system can be detected within a short time.

The METPOINT LKD detects the ultrasound, transforms it into an audible sound and indicates it optically. The METPOINT LKD operates with extreme reliability. As only those frequencies are detected which occur in the event of leakage, precise location of the leaks is ensured under all types of industrial noise conditions.


beko-june-2014-4Earlier this month BEKO TECHNOLOGIES held a training day for Mattei Compressors. It was held at the BEKO offices in Bromsgrove and included a buffet lunch with live demonstrations of their oil free products.

The day started with an introduction and overview of BEKO TECHNOLOGIES. Next was an oil free presentation given by Matt Harrison UK Sales manager where he explained the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of achieving oil free air, including the BEKOKAT catalytic converter and also the METPOINT OCV constant analyser used to measure Air Quality to ISO 8571.1.


beko-june-2014-3BEKO TECHNOLOGIES service department can offer air quality tests to enable customers to know what the quality of the compressed air is that they are using. This can be in bodyshops, food packaging companies, automotive, pharmaceutical industry and many more.
From this BEKO TECHNOLOGIES can advise what, if necessary, the customer requires in the way of air treatment and filtration.
The BEKO Technologies air quality test, together with a written assessment report are tools that allow you to keep accurate records on your air quality.