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Quirepace Ltd
Quirepace manufacture the BVC Range of Industrial Vacuum Cleaners. The BVC range includes machines designed specifically for recovering hazardous dusts.
Hazards from dusts and spilled product fall in to two distinct categories; the first is dusts that are hazardous to health. These machines are rated as M-Class or H-Class
The second category is dusts that are hazardous in the environment. The obvious category is dusts that can potentially cause an explosive atmosphere, particularly organic products like sugar and flour. Areas where this is a hazard are classified as ATEX, and BVC machines for use in these areas are ATEX rated.
Some products fall in to both categories such as wood dusts, which are both hazardous to health and potentially explosive. Suitable machines will be both ATEX and Class-H
Whatever the requirement Quirepace can recommend a BVC machine capable of meeting the specific requirements of the customer.