Welcome to Mobius, the international, independent vibration training company. This is the home of the world-renowned iLearn products and the Mobius Institute vibration training and certification organization.
To master vibration analysis you must understand the machines you are monitoring, the analyzer you are using, and the concepts behind vibration analysis. We will help you gain that knowledge - not in a theoretical way, bogged down with complicated mathematics; we will provide practical training, enhanced with advanced software simulators and real data. You will enjoy our training, and afterwards you will perform your work with greater confidence (and walk ten feet tall when you become certified).
We offer three unique benefits:
1 Understandable training: You can master vibration analysis and shaft alignment thanks to our unique training methods
2 Respected certification: Become internationally recognized and respected by your peers. Our certification follows ISO and ASNT standards
3 Indispensible products: Make your day-to-day work easier and improve your accuracy. What price would you pay for reduced stress?
Our courses are conducted around the world in over 30 countries by our accredited Training Partners. The course material and exams have been translated to nine languages. Learn about our Training Partners.
Ilearn Presentation
What about shaft alignment?
Those laser alignment guys make it sound so easy - strap on the lasers, give them a spin, and you'll have an answer. If only it were always so easy!
iLearnAlignment will explain everything, and show you how the various systems work - both laser and dial. Whether you are brand new to alignment, or you need a refresher, iLearnAlignment will make you a master aligner.
Click to learn more about iLearnAlignment.
By the way, you can view iLearnAlignment via a Web browser, or integrate it with your corporate Learning Management System.
Contact Mobius Institute
web www.mobiusinstitute.com email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Training in the UK
Reliability Maintenance Solutions Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1206 791917
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.rms-reliability.com
Sales in the UK
Proviso Systems Ltd.
Tel +44 (0) 1777 817536
Web www.proviso-systems.co.uk email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.