PCB Piezotronics has released the industry exclusive Model 699A02, a portable, lightweight, battery powered industrial handheld shaker, designed to conveniently verify accelerometer and vibration system performance, as well as confirm operation of interconnecting cables, switching devices and monitoring systems.
The unit operates at 159.2 Hz and delivers a controlled, 1 g RMS or 1 g peak acceleration to test accelerometers and vibration sensors weighing up to 250 grams. Model 699A02 is ideal for field troubleshooting predictive maintenance and condition based monitoring systems, and can be used to verify sensor calibration and performance right at the machine, including permanently mounted accelerometers.
Additional features include automatic shut-off; an external power jack for AC compatibility and extended operation; mechanical stops for overload protection; and capability to perform up to 1,600 operating cycles in the field without loss of battery power. Model 699A02 is available for expedited delivery, and comes standard with a durable carrying pouch with belt loop. Unit also meets NIST traceability requirements. For additional information, contact PCB
Piezotronics Limited on 01462 429710, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.