
Great Shakes - Monitran Special Offer

Portable Vibration MeterShow Offer:

The Portable Vibration Meter is easy to use, requires no connection to a PC and is ideal for routine systems checks. Typical applications include checking motors, gearboxes, fans, pumps and compressors.

Donald Lyon, MD of Monitran, comments: "Vibration levels, whether audible or not, frequently provide the earliest indication that plant equipment is failing. Many engineers and site managers are aware of this, but few are keen to invest in the appropriate measurement equipment, even though doing so could save thousands of pounds worth of downtime if plant fails."

Lyon goes on to say that by reducing the price of its Portable Vibration Meter by about a third, Monitran is making it easy for companies to implement condition-based predictive maintenance routines or enhance existing ones. In addition, of course, Monitran's experts will be present on stand F30 at MAINTEC ready to give advice on vibration monitoring techniques and solutions.
Monitran's Portable Vibration Meter is lightweight (850g) and compact (170 x 100 x 45mm), and is supplied with a probe, magnet, user manual, calibration certificate and batteries - all in a carrying case.

Lyon concludes: "There are a number of portable vibration meters on the market but few boast the accuracy and precision of ours. After all, more than 21 years of R&D, industry experience and customer dialogue have gone into our equipment. There is no substitute for that, and it's what helps keep us at the very forefront of vibration monitoring and analysis."

All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.


About Monitran
Established in 1986 and based near High Wycombe in the UK, Monitran is a world leader in the development and manufacture of sensors and systems for vibration and displacement measurement. The company has the widest range of standard vibration and displacement products available from any single supplier and has an impressive track record of customising products for bespoke applications.

With full ISO 9001:2000 approval, Monitran's products are used for monitoring vibrations in machinery (such as pumps, motors, engines and drive trains) in a diverse range of applications including automotive, aerospace, industrial processing, power stations and wind turbines. Indeed, the products are at home in any application where vibrations or displacements provide early indications of mechanical wear or that a structure's integrity has been compromised. They are also used in other vibration related applications, such as R&D, structural testing, equipment qualification testing and calibration.

For more information please visit www.monitran.com



Reader Enquiries
Susan Toyn
Monitran Limited
Monitor House
33 Hazlemere Road
Bucks        HP10 8AD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1494 816569
Fax: +44 (0)1494 812256
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